Source code for hotelling.helpers

from io import BytesIO
import os
from warnings import warn
import pandas as pd

    import dask.dataframe as dd
except ImportError:
    dd = False
    import sixel
except ImportError:
    sixel = None

[docs]def savefig(plt): """savefig. Allows displaying a matplotlib figure to the console terminal. This requires `pysixel` to be pip installed. It also requires a terminal with `Sixel graphic` support, like `DEC` with graphic support, Linux `xterm` (started with -ti 340), MLTerm (multilingual terminal, available on Windows, Linux etc). This is called by the command line tool when using --output stdout and can also be used in an ipython session. :param plt: matplotlib pyplot :return: """ buf = BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf) if sixel is None: warn("No sixel module available. Please install pysixel") writer = sixel.SixelWriter() writer.draw(buf)
[docs]def load_df(filepath, server=None, dask=None, **kwargs): """load_df. :param str filepath: :param str server: head node for distributed cluster, ip address and port or hostname and port (localhost for local) :param bool dask: if True, forces the use of dask,, even on smaller datasets :param kwargs: to pass arguments to pandas `read_csv` :return: dataframe """ try: statinfo = os.stat(filepath) # file could be on hdfs or s3 filesize = statinfo.st_size if filesize > 2 * 1024 ** 3: # 2GB, consider large large = True else: large = dask except (OSError, FileNotFoundError): # doesn't exist, or is distributed. filesize = 0 large = True if server: large = True # force it when server is specified set_index = None if dd and large: # dask is available data_frame = dd if "index_col" in kwargs.keys(): # for dask, we set index a different way, not in read_csv itself index_col = kwargs.pop("index_col") set_index = index_col if server: from distributed import Client if server == "localhost": client = Client() # "distributed", local else: client = Client(server) # distributed, head node print(client.ncores()) else: data_frame = pd if set_index: df = data_frame.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs).set_index(index_col, sorted=True, drop=True) else: df = data_frame.read_csv(filepath, **kwargs) return df